Draft Proposal for Interim CC Rules
Given the urgency expressed by several members of the CC with regard to our lack of process, and given that the Regenerative Culture coordinators have more time to invest in this project, we have attempted to assess the desires and concerns of the group, and offer a middle-ground proposal. It is also within the mandates of the Regenerative Culture working group to take on projects that address sources of conflict within the organization, so we have taken this on in hopes of fulfilling our obligation to this organization. We have taken input via coordinators’ comments online, in meetings, and phone calls. We hope that this proposal will be modified according to any additional concerns, before submitting to CC for a vote.
Concerns being addressed:
- Lack of process causes disorganization and conflict.
- Lack of process causes informal norms to arise that are dysfunctional for the organization.
- Lack of process causes bottlenecks in decision making and prevents access to resources/tools.
- CC members feel that some members have more influence and agency in decisions than others.
- Urgency is being imposed on the organization without consensus.
- People are feeling disrespected, dismissed, and not taken seriously.
- Well-being of volunteers is not being factored into decisions.
- Too many decisions are being brought to the CC that fall under one or more WG’s mandates, causing very long meetings and impeding progress.
- Lack of information from WGs that could inform the work of other WGs.
- Individuals are acting unilaterally without any WG input.
- Individuals are exceeding their WG mandates.
- Individuals do not make a good faith effort to work within a decision made by the CC.
- We try to simply “appear” organized and competent, when it’s not reality.
- Individuals are attempting to go around things the organization has said publicly.
- Due to imposed urgency, sometimes coordinators have to act without WG input.
In order to move forward in the present moment, we propose the following as an interim solution with a specific expiration date of November 3, 2020. This proposal is an attempt to take into consideration all of the input we have heard, and find a workable, temporary, middle-ground solution that everyone can live with until we have time to work out a more thorough solution. Additionally, by adopting an interim solution, we will be able to evaluate the functionality of these interim rules for potential long-term use.
Proposed interim rules:
- When making decisions, a good-faith attempt to reach consensus will be made. A “temperature check” preliminary vote will be taken to determine whether discussion is needed. If consensus cannot be reached efficiently, a vote may be called, in which case we default to Robert’s Rules with a ⅔ majority requirement to pass a vote.
- CC meeting facilitators shall rotate between several CC volunteers. No individual may facilitate a CC meeting more often than once every 4 weeks.
- We will attempt to have facilitator, time-keeper, stack-keeper, and note-taker as separate roles, and individuals will make a good-faith attempt to share these other roles so the responsibility does not always fall on the same person.
- Working Groups, collectively, are empowered to self-organize and make decisions within their mandates and with regard for the mission and well-being of the organization and volunteers. When decisions are needed that are within the mandates of more than one working group, those working groups are empowered to make decisions together.
- Decisions made by working groups will be published for open comment by CC for 48 hours, unless in cases of emergency. A good-faith attempt must be made to accommodate concerns. After the 48 hour period, working groups are empowered to implement the decision.
- Decisions made by working groups within their mandates shall not be overturned by the CC unless ¾ of the CC agrees the decision needs to be put forward to a vote of the entire org. Veto power resides in the org volunteer base and membership, not the CC.
- Decisions that fall outside the mandates of any working group and significantly affect the future of the organization shall be put forward to a vote of the entire org. All other non-WG decisions shall be decided by the CC.
- WG mandates are determined by the CC.
- Significant events should be documented in the form of briefings as soon as reasonably possible for the rest of the CC’s information.
- Coordinators may coordinate one working group and be a member of no more than two other working groups. When a WG member, coordinators shall act as an equal participant with other WG members. When not a member, coordinators may participate in a WG’s deliberation by invitation only.
- When in deliberation, individuals are to address the group when arguing for a position.
- During meetings, stack shall be maintained with some flexibility for direct responses. One or two back-and-forth exchanges may take place on an issue, but if more is needed, the facilitator shall request the conversation be taken off-meeting and return to the stack.
- As an individual coordinator’s workload grows, they shall provide access to whatever resources/tools are needed by other coordinators to prevent slowdowns in work.
- Purchases over $100 must be approved by the Finance working group. If agreement cannot be reached between Finance and other working group(s), the issue may be brought to CC. Attempts to circumvent spending limits will be immediately brought to CC. All purchases, regardless of amount, must be reported and explained to Finance and receipts submitted.
- Access to sensitive resources like passwords and documents will be managed by at least two CC members who are available to grant access to other CC members on short notice.
- All parties shall make a good-faith attempt to work within all of the decisions made according to any of the processes above.